Sunday, September 15, 2013

Hostess with the Mostest

Jenn came to visit tonight, and brought me some goodies for my birthday. We sat in my living room, the first social occasion I have had here. It's not yet replete, but serviceable. I enjoyed the evening and we drank the gift wine almost up. We she left I walked her out in my jammies.

And my baby Max, bless his little pumpkin head, forgot my birthday. He has one very soon after mine (another Virgo!) and I shall of course feign indifference or old age, but only god knows how much I bless and cherish the day of his birth.

I must be settling in, and feeling more secure. It has really helped to have the young couples move in next door. Subsequently, I met the young people across the street, helped them jumpstart one of their cars. The kid has yet another of those weird large-riveted earring holes, what is that about? I've seen several around here. I guess it would be a good place to hang my car keys so I wouldn't lose them all the time.

All in all, I have come to see this block as accommodating, not the hard-life element I had imagined. There is a pleasant, reassuring mix of people types, a real slice-of-life demographic here. They are nice people, though they carry about them a sense of alacrity, maybe of urgency?

Yes. There is an unexpected sense of urgency here in Edgewood. Certainly not in Dunwoody—most everybody there is pasty with money, time or just plain conceit. It has more to do with a peripheral sense of alert—of creative insistence—an ephemeral will to improve our world. There is a visceral edginess intown, dissipating with every mile outlying, and gone by the time one is OTP.

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